The 2024 Small Commodities Online Exhibition will focus on the display of products from industry-wide equipment and related ancillary service enterprises such as daily-use small commodity manufacturers, jewelry gifts and accessories product manufacturers, digital and electronic product suppliers, and other supporting service companies operated by the large-scale exhibition network column group in Yiwu. The purpose of the recommendation is to make it easier for buyers from all over the world to purchase direct products from manufacturers, so that more industry chain merchants around the world can obtain better benefits. At the same time, I wish businessmen and friends from all countries to prosper and congratulate you!
义乌是中国首个也是唯一一个在县级市国家级综合改革试点,先后被授予中国国家卫生城市、国家环保模范城市、中国优秀旅游城市、国家园林城市、国家森林城市和浙江省文明示范市等荣誉称号。义乌国际商贸城被中国国家旅游局授予中国首个AAAA级购物旅游区。义乌是中国大陆六大强县(市)之一,人均收入水平、豪车密度在中国大陆居首位,是中国最富裕的地区之一,在福布斯发布2013中国最富有10个县级市排名第一。 义乌是全球最大的小商品集散中心,被联合国、世界银行等国际权威机构确定为世界第一大市场。义乌被列为第一批国家新型城镇化综合试点地区。(2019-7-12 百度百科选摘)。
The 2023 Small Commodities Online Exhibition will focus on the display of products from industry-wide equipment and related ancillary service enterprises such as daily-use small commodity manufacturers, jewelry gifts and accessories product manufacturers, digital and electronic product suppliers, and other supporting service companies operated by the large-scale exhibition network column group in Yiwu. The purpose of the recommendation is to make it easier for buyers from all over the world to purchase direct products from manufacturers, so that more industry chain merchants around the world can obtain better benefits. At the same time, I wish businessmen and friends from all countries to prosper and congratulate you!
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